SEO is So Important in Today’s World
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) has become one of the most important facets of an excellent, digital marketing strategy. So many people are using search engines to help with everything from answering questions, to finding products they want, or locating service providers they need for everyday life. It’s difficult to imagine a world without Google, Yahoo, or Bing and we at DASH-SEO love the way search engines have made the lives of everybody across the world so much better. Read on to learn more about the top ten reasons you need SEO to succeed in today’s world of business.
1.) Your Competitors are Using SEO to Beat You
We all know there are certain areas of the business world which will have much more competition than others. Yet, it still remains true there’s always going to be a certain level of competition regardless of your specific niche. With everything becoming more and more digitally-based each and every day, you can bet your competitors are doing everything they can to outrank you on search engines such as Google. For this reason, and many more, it’s especially important in 2020 to be on top of your game when it comes to SEO and digital marketing. It may seem to be an intangible feeling of “lost business” at first when you see your competitors outranking you for high user-intent search queries, yet when you realize you could’ve made $XX,XXX more this quarter if you had engaged in an SEO strategy, it won’t be intangible any longer.
2.) You Want Your Website Users to Have a Great UX (User-Experience)
SEO is not only about driving traffic to your site through organic rankings, it’s also about providing a greta user-experience for both users and search engine robots. Without a great UX, you run the risk of turning off users almost immediately upon landing on your website. This is not what’s supposed to happen. Possessing great UX does take some time and trial-and-error based efforts, yet once you have a system in place to better convert users through your website’s overall design, you’ll be doing very well.
3.) It’s Easy to Focus On Hyper-Targeted Keywords
Let’s say you want begin ranking organically for “cardboard box supplier austin” for your paper products business. Well, if you choose to craft content centered around that specific keyword in the form of a blog post, landing page, or service page; you’ll eventually begin to rank for that specific search query over time. This is an area of SEO where you’ll most likely end up ranking for LSI (latent-semantic-indexing) keywords such as: “cardboard boxes for moving”, “cardboard boxes for shipping goods”, “cardboard box dimensions”, etc… If you continue to refresh the hyper-targeted post you’ve created with new and exciting updates, Google will recognize you care about your content and reward you as such.
4.) SEO Makes It Easier for Potential Customers to Find YOU
You provide great services. You have excellent customer service. You’re always looking for ways to improve your overall business model. Okay, why have you not seen the effects of your efforts? The answer is most likely you’re not allowing customers to find you the way THEY are searching for you. This is, at the root, what SEO does for your business. SEO allows your site to show up when users search for what you have to offer. Optimizing for search engines is the best way to make a great first impression upon users and have your website eventually become front and center towards your targeted user base.
5.) SEO is Way More Affordable than Paid Advertising Efforts (PPC & Traditional Advertising)
While SEO may seem costly in some regard, it’s actually not over the long-term. The ROI (return on investment) you receive is generally exponentially higher than the initial investment. The reasoning behind this is the fact you’re able to hold on to SEO efforts indefinitely (as long as your website still exists). This is often referred to as “evergreen” efforts. Whether it’s content which can be continually repurposed for years to come, or the structure upon which you’ve built your website, or even the backlinks you’ve built over time to build up your domain authority. SEO efforts, and their effects, are something which will last indefinitely in most cases. The opposite is true in nearly every other form of marketing. Take for instance, PPC (pay-per-click) campaigns. As soon as you stop paying for your ads to run, the campaign is essentially ineffective due to your ads not being show to potential customers. Traditional advertising is similar. Let’s say you ran a billboard ad near a highway exit. Once that ad is replaced by a different ad from some other company, you’re no longer receiving the benefits for many months and years to come. With SEO, a simple blog post which solves your users’ problems can prove to be one of your best performing content pieces if done correctly. One blog post alone can account for a quite large percentage of online sales in many cases. This is the beauty of SEO in action.
6.) People Trust Companies Who Rank Organically
The trust factor associated with organically ranked websites is much, much higher than an aggressive ad at the top or bottom of a search result page. Consumers nowadays are more aware of ads and their intent than ever before. Where your website sits within the ranking on the first page of Google holds a whole lot of weight when it comes to building trust amongst your potential customers or clients. Many users view a first page ranking as a sign this company must know what they’re doing and Google must trust them as well. In most cases, that is the case. Build up your trust amongst users through SEO and you’ll typically see a much higher conversion rate than just running annoying ads which users dismiss in an instant.
7.) Users are Typically Wary of Paid Ads
As mentioned above, anytime a company chooses to go exclusively with paid ads, it can be turn off for users and ultimately make them wonder if they’re just “paying to play”. While ads can be a great way to garner up an initial customer base as you’re building up your site’s domain authority, you’ll want to eventually taper off as your SEO efforts begin to shine. Organic rankings within search engines simply persuade users at a much higher rate than a paid ad will ever do.
8.) Your Website Can Show Up Within the Google Map Pack
If you’re a local business, being displayed within Google’s map pack is crucial for success. The CTR (click-through-rate) for local businesses shown in the clickable elements throughout the map pack is much higher in most cases than just a simple SERP (search engine result page). This is also a way to highlight your customer reviews within your GoogleMyBusiness profile and show why people love what you have to offer as a business.
9.) You’re Able to Keep the Work Your SEO Agency Produces
As briefly mentioned above, “evergreen efforts”, can be repurposed and reused across many different avenues; especially content. Let’s say we create an “ultimate guide” for your business and it does extremely well in search engines. You could use that same guide and create tidbits to share across social media platforms such as facebook, LinkedIn, or instagram for example. This is just one of the many ways you can continue to utilize SEO for many years to come after the work has already been completed.
10.) The ROI of SEO is Huge Compared to Other Digital Marketing Strategies
As a business, it all comes down to ROI. Whenever you invest into a marketing strategy, the hope is with each dollar spent, you receive X times higher than the initial investment. This is often the case amongst SEO strategies. It does take longer than most other digital marketing strategies, especially if you’ve never embarked on an SEO strategy before. However, the results tend to pay exponentially higher when you look at overall cost-per-conversion.
Choosing DASH-SEO for Your Company’s SEO Strategy
If you’ve been searching for an SEO company to help your website reach the next level of digital success, you’ve come to the right place. Learn more about how we can help ramp up your website and business with our excellent SEO services by requesting a free SEO audit using the form below. You’ll see how we have your success in mind every step of the way with our SEO strategies and why we’re one of the best when it comes to helping our clients grow their businesses to new heights.