20 Tips to Avoid Burnout in SEO: Staying Focused On Your Goals
Burnout is real with everything if you overexert yourself too much. In this post, we’ll be discussing the twenty best tips to avoid burnout in SEO and how to best focus on the goals at hand while still maintaining your sanity. Enjoy!
Break Down Your Tasks Into Easier to Manage, Smaller Tasks
As with anything in life it’s best to break down a task or project into easily digestible portions. The phrase “you never want to bite off more than you can chew…” rings true here more than ever.
Stick to a Completion Date with Your SEO Goals, No Matter What
Setting hard stops for your goals will likely motivate you in many ways you wouldn’t have thought possible beforehand. Sticking to a completion date for any project is beneficial, yet it’s especially important when it comes to SEO goals.
Scale Your Efforts Once You’ve Gained Momentum
Scaling efforts is vital to your success with SEO. If you have the budget, offloading work onto others can help you appropriately scale efforts accordingly.
“Pay Yourself First”
Paying yourself first is often echoed within the self-help community, largely because it’s true. If you’re not covering all of your bases first and foremost, how can you expect to cover everyone else’s bases within your team?
Eat a Healthy Diet
Health is wealth. Without a proper diet, you’re going to run the risk of developing health conditions which will likely prohibit you from performing your best work at the highest level of excellence. Eat healthy today, thank yourself tomorrow.
Sleep at Least 8 Hours Per Night
Without sleep we as humans function quite poorly. Poor sleeping habits, when continued for several days in a row, can produce a state similar to drunkenness in many individuals. You wouldn’t show up to work drunk, would you? Ensure you’re sleeping at least 8 hours every night to do your best work the next day.
Stretch & Exercise
Stretching and exercise is one of the best ways to ensure you’re limber, strong, and healthy while functioning at your absolute best, day in, day out. Stretching and exercise also gives you a burst of energy and a sense of accomplishment; both of which you need to succeed with SEO.
Go Outside, Breathe Some Fresh Air, & Relax Your Eyes
Being outside, away from your computer screen and desk will do you a whole lot of good. Yes, work is important, but so is being a natural human being. Without adequate sunlight, fresh air, and appreciation of what Mother Nature has built for us; you’re likely going to develop a sense of sadness and possibly even begin to exhibit some health issues. “Go outside and touch grass” as they say.
Remember, Every Day is a New Day
Just because yesterday sucked and everything was a mess does not mean today is going to be that way. Appreciate each new day as a gift and the day will likely reciprocate those same feelings your way.
The Importance of Maintaining Your Sanity in SEO
SEO can be a very stressful process for some individuals. Setting up processes in place to best reduce your stress levels will likely help you maintain your sanity and do your best work. Let’s explore some of the ways one can reduce stress and maintain sanity each and every day.
Set Realistic Initial Goals
Setting lofty goals is fantastic, yet you also want to set realistic goals initially. This process of setting achievable goals initially will allow you to have quick wins, thus producing those feel-good endorphins one accumulates when they successfully accomplish a task or goal.
Square Away Problem Areas of Your Site from the Beginning
You never want to be in a situation where you take one step forward, two steps backward with every ounce of effort. Squaring away your problem areas from the start and focusing on said problem areas prior to focusing on other elements of your SEO strategy will likely save you a whole lot of time and frustration.
Create Content Frameworks to Help with Content Production
Content frameworks help develop the initial ideas of your content and typically helps one visualize the end concept of a piece of content theyr;e working on. Try a content framework today and see how much it improves your overall productivity when it comes to creating quality content.
Conduct Proper Keyword Research from the Start
Conducting proper keyword research from the start will allow you to target the right keywords and keyphrases one needs to win over their preferred customer base. Simply writing content to write content is great for a lifestyle blog, yet if this is a business we’re talking about, you’ll want to conduct keyword research to best align your website’s solution-based content with your potential customer’s pain points.
Write Content Consistently, No Matter What
Even if you just write one post or page per day, it’s still better than not writing any posts or pages. Creating content consistently every day, no matter what, is what will separate you from the rest of your competition.
Perform Outreach for Backlinks Within Your Own Industry First
You likely have contacts within your niche or industry who would be happy to allow you to write a guest post on their blog or add your site to a resource page within their site. Reach out to people you know at first to acquire some quick, quality backlinks.
Once You have Initial Traffic, Optimize Your UX to the Highest Degree
With any newfound traffic your site develops, you’ll want to optimize your site to best handle said newfound traffic each and every day. This means focusing on CRO (conversion-rate-optimization) to best optimize new traffic through the use of heat-mapping, CTA optimization, navigational experience, etc…
Don’t Worry About Your Competition at First
Focus on yourself first and foremost. Forget about your competition until they become annoying. You’re likely not at their level yet if you’re just starting out with your SEO efforts. Yes, it’s great to gain inspiration from your competitors, yet you’ll want to stay grounded and make your website the best it can be before worrying about what your competitors are doing.
Ask for Advice from Other SEO Experts, They’ll Be Happy to Help
Ask around in the SEO community online and you’ll likely find a number of helpful experts who will be more than willing to help you out. Contact us if you have any questions and we’ll be happy to help!
Take a Break from Everything & Come Back Refreshed, Ready to Work
Some days you just need to say “I’m taking a break and coming back to this later…”. This process of dropping everything and just decompressing for a bit will do a lot of good for your mental state. Relax, refresh, rejuvenate, and return to work feeling your best.
(Bonus Tip: Drink Some Coffee to Stay Motivated!)
Coffee is one our preferred elixirs here at DASH-SEO. Coffee certainly motivates us, and it may be just what you need to go the extra mile when it comes to regaining focus and motivation.
Choose DASH-SEO if You’re Feeling Overwhelmed Lately
If you’re feeling overwhelmed and finding SEO to be a daunting task, you’ll want to contact us to see how we can help. Feel free to fill out the form below and we’ll be sure to respond to your message as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you soon!