How to Recession-Proof Your Business with SEO
As the economic landscape of the world shifts and uncertainties begin to rise, many businesses will begin to scramble to find sources of stability and various growth opportunities. A strategic tool which should not be overlooked is SEO. Here’s how your business can best utilize SEO to recession-proof itself, and not simply survive, but thrive! Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business with its SEO strategy.
What is a Recession?
A recession is considered to be a significant decline in economic activity across the economy lasting more than a few months where it is quite noticeable in real GDP, real income, employment levels, industrial production levels, and wholesale-retail sales activity. During these uncertain economic times, consumer confidence may wane and business spending may significantly decrease, which in turn will impact businesses across a variety of sectors.
How Can SEO Help Your Business During a Recession?
SEO can help your business during a period of recession through ensuring your business remains visible and relevant online, regardless of any economic downturns. The last thing you’ll want as a business owner is decreased presence online and decreased brand awareness for your potential customers who may be searching for your products or services. When budgets are constrained, and traditional advertising channels may be too expensive, SEO is a cost-saving advertising channel over the long-term which typically provides a much higher quality of customer.
Strategic Planning, While Others are Flailing
Being focused and staying on course, regardless of economic uncertainty is a great way to set yourself apart from competitors. Use this unique opportunity to properly analyze your market, understand your target demographic’s changing needs, and fully optimize your SEO strategy accordingly.
Going After the Competition, While They Pull Back
Many businesses will pull back marketing spend when there’s a threat of recession or an actual recession. This retreat, especially within the world of SEO, will allow your website to take over valuable rankings and generate further revenue when competitors choose to pull back. Capturing additional market share will help your business gain new customers and steal customers away from your competitors. “Be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful.” – Warren Buffett
Everyone Will Still Search On Google for Solutions
Regardless of economic conditions, Google will still be utilized by millions and millions of people each and every day. Everyone will still continue to search on Google for solutions to their problems. Through investing in SEO during a period of economic pullback, you’ll ensure your business remains visible to those who are actively seeking out the solutions, products, and services you offer; even during economic downturns.
Overtaking Organic Positions Once the Competition Stops Investing in Their Website
The vacancies left by your competitors who choose to stop investing in their website’s SEO during a recession is your golden opportunity to overtake their organic positions. Enhancing your SEO efforts to improve your overall organic performance during this time will prove to be very much worth it.
Making Your Site Run as Efficiently as Possible
Website performance and website speed is crucial, especially for SEO. Organizing your site’s structure, optimizing your site’s page speed loading times, improving your user-experience, and ensuring your site is as mobile-friendly as possible will keep your users engaged and willing to purchase your products or services.
Creating Content Which Converts
Focus on creating high-quality content which converts potential customers into actual customers. Addressing your customers’ pain points and needs, especially during a recession can prove to be one of the most valuable marketing strategies you can choose to participate in. If you help people during one of the worst times economically speaking, you’ll likely have a customer for life when times have improved.
Acquiring Links from Relevant, High-Authority Sites
Link building efforts should not be put on hold, especially during a recession. Acquiring high-quality, niche-relevant links from authoritative sites will help your site perform that much better when competitors are choosing to pull back.
Converting Your New Traffic with CRO (Conversion-Rate-Optimization)
With SEO, you’re not only attracting new customers with your efforts, you’re introducing new customers to your brand and business. Conversion-Rate-Optimization will help improve your conversion rate with newfound organic traffic, so the potential customers turn into actual customers.
Maintaining Course, Even in Stormy Waters
It’s always important to maintain course, no matter how tough times may become. Consistent efforts with SEO will always prove to be worth it when executed correctly. When the economy bounces back from a recessionary period, you’ll be relishing in the benefits of all the dedicated effort which were put forth during difficult economic times.
Crush Your Competition at Their Weakest Point
As you continuously invest in SEO and adapt to the evolving market during a recessionary period, you can position your business to effectively and efficiently outperform your competitors with ease, as they’ll have likely scaled back their marketing efforts, leaving a wide open opportunity to crush the competition at their weakest points.
Contact DASH-SEO for ROI-Focused SEO Strategies
Are you ready to make your business recession-proof with proven SEO strategies which will transform your business’ website into a sales powerhouse? Contact DASH-SEO today, where we specialize in providing ROI-focused SEO when you need it most. We look forward to hearing from you soon!