Starting Out Scrawny & Weak
As with any new activity, whether it be exercising or managing a website’s SEO, you’ll start off inexperienced, scrawny, and weak. This is not picking on anyone, it’s just a fact. To build up any type of muscle or domain authority, you need to dedicate many hours to your craft. With these hours dedicated, the work will become much easier over time and will seem as though all of that previous heavy lifting is now as light as a feather. “Practice makes perfect” may sound cliché, but most clichés are truer than true. All great success stories never mention the endless amount of hours, sweat, blood, and tears which go into becoming the best at what you do. Everyone enjoys saying the phrase “overnight success”, but that’s never the case unless you’ve just won the lottery. With all of this being said, let’s examine how exercise and SEO run parallel with one another and how both can benefit one another.
Consistency is Key
If you dedicate yourself to something each and every day, you’re bound to see results as long as your proactively approach problems and discover solutions to said problems. When you maintain consistency in SEO and exercise, you’ll begin to find what was once the “most difficult thing” now becomes a mere afterthought. This is due to the fact you’re able to develop stronger self-confidence, better agility, extended stamina, and an overall polished skill set which is achieved no other way than by doing the actual task at hand. You’ll also begin to see everything from anxiety to poor self-esteem disappear when you start seeing results. Whether it be lifting weights on a schedule recommended by a personal trainer or writing a well-researched blog post every single day; you’ll see muscle and domain authority increase exponentially. With this process comes results and traffic.
You’ll Begin to See Results
With all of this consistency, you’ll begin to see massive gains over time and as mentioned above, you’ll begin to see results and traffic. Results will consist of muscle gains and self-confidence for the exercise portion of your life while the SEO side of your results will consist of everything from increased rankings to purchases from your website to a number of organic backlinks when you begin to obtain all of those high rankings for valuable keywords. The “traffic” side of things will increase with these results in the form of attracting people into your life (everyone likes a fit, healthy person) and attracting new visitors to your web site (everyone likes a nicely optimized web site experience). All in all, these results will be life-changing as long as you remain consistent and aim to improve upon yourself each and every day.
Success Will Be Achieved
Whatever you decide to do, don’t give up. Don’t give up on having a fit, healthy body just because someone says you’ll never have it and don’t give up on having an excellently optimized website just because someone says you’ll never rank for a keyword. Embrace constructive criticism but drown out negative comments which are just being negative to be negative and soon enough, you’ll find success!
How SEO and Exercise Can Benefit One Another
If you’re into SEO and exercise, you’ll find the two will benefit each other immensely. If you’ve had a tough day at the office and are trying to take your mind off things related to SEO, one of the best ways to do so is by doing some physical activity. It can be anything, just move! The human body is made to move and be active, so reward it with such habits. This in turn will allow you to be more clear-headed, well-rested, alert, and focused the next day when you return to your SEO tasks. You’ll thank yourself over and over again for choosing to place a priority on your health!
Being Your Best Self
Overall, this post is about being your best self you can possibly be. Whether it’s in fitness, SEO, or wherever your passion lies; go 100% and be the best you can be. Every single time you try your hardest, you’ll be rewarded in some way, shape, or form ten-fold. If you have any questions about SEO or digital marketing, feel free to contact us and we’ll be glad to help you out!