Guarantees in SEO?
SEO is a beast of its own. The agencies, consultants, and freelancers who offer “guarantees” are really only guaranteeing one thing: underperformance. Yes, we said it. There’s truly no guarantees with SEO due to the simple fact that nobody knows 100% of Google’s algorithm, Yahoo’s algorithm, Bing’s algorithm, etc… This is why we at DASH-SEO don’t offer guaranteed placements. What we do offer is excellent results. We focus on ROI and increasing brand awareness. We understand that vanity metrics, such as being #1 for some vague keyword(s) may or may not help your business. What we do know is that your business is counting on us to deliver on increasing your overall return on investment. That is something we can promise we’ll deliver on. Read on to learn why you should stay away from SEO and digital marketing companies who offer 100% guarantees and why they’re most likely shooting themselves, and you in the foot.
Algorithmic Changes
Around every quarter, you can expect an algorithm change from the Big G (Google). These algorithmic changes can have extremely positive effects and they can also have extremely negative effects; depending on which precautions you or your SEO agency of choice have implemented. It’s definitely always better to play it safe when you know an algorithm change is coming into effect soon. This way you’ll have consistent data to back up your theory on what was affected, why it was affected, and how it was affected. If you go about changing everything on your site to “beat the system”, you’ll most likely end up causing more hysteria in the long run and not be able to determine how to power through an algorithmic adjustment. With all of this being said, it’s important to find a qualified agency who recognizes both the advantages and negatives of a search engine’s algorithm alterations and how to best adapt along the way. Algorithms are the underlying factor on why we’ll never be able to fully guarantee 100% effective results. Ethically-speaking, we would be lying to ourselves, and you, if we were to do so.
Nothing is Certain in SEO
As the above states, nothing is 100% certain in SEO. Sometimes the best efforts can yield some poor results if one does not understand the “ins and outs” of SEO and how it applies to your specific niche. Thankfully, we at DASH-SEO are well-educated in a wide variety of niches and have adapted our services to many new niches all along the way. Feel free to check out some of our case studies and see how we’ve helped businesses, both big and small, across a wide variety of sectors. If you’d like to learn more about how we can help your business grow with our excellent SEO and digital marketing services, feel free to submit your site using the form below for a full-scale, complimentary SEO audit. We look forward to hearing from you soon!