Putting in the Effort to See the Results
As with anything else in life, SEO is not really any different. When you put in the effort, you’re going to see results in some way, shape, or form. It’s important to remember this fact when you’re embarking on a new SEO campaign. SEO can certainly be difficult to implement consistently across your website, yet with the right preparation, strategies, and execution; you’ll be able to show Google’s search engine robots and users you’re the authority within your niche. Read on to learn more about SEO, why everything in our big, wide world eventually balances out, and how we at DASH-SEO can help you succeed in SEO if you choose to work with our team of experts..
There are Really No Shortcuts in SEO
Anytime you’re advertised a “new trick which will obliterate your competitors in 30 days or less!”, or something to that effect, it’s likely BS. To put it simply, there are no shortcuts in SEO. Well, let’s rephrase that statement. There are shortcuts, yet they come with hidden, potentially damaging costs. Just as the gymgoer works out every day at their favorite gym to achieve a healthy, muscular, strong body; you must apply those same principles to your website to see great results. If you put in the right effort into your website each and every day, you’ll eventually see results and they’ll likely be rolling in on a progressively larger basis each and every month; building upon each previous month. Now, with all of this being said, there are “shortcuts” in SEO, yet they’ll likely cost you a lot of lost money once your site is penalized by Google, or they’ll work for a few months, then the result will be wiped clean once Google catches on to the less than stellar tactics being implemented. All in all, it’s best to rely on the tried and true SEO strategies which the best SEO agencies, websites, and companies utilize everyday:
•Keyword research
•Fast-loading page speed
•Great UX
•On-Site SEO Strategies
•Consistent, Quality Content
•High-Quality Backlink Acquisition
•CRO (Conversion-Rate-Optimization) Strategies
•Daily Effort
SEO Has Up-Front Costs in the Short-Term, Yet ROI is Potentially Huge in the Long-Term
Yes, there may be a larger price tag than you’re expecting in the beginning of any of our SEO campaigns offered (view our pricing here). The important thing to remember is SEO, when done correctly, will more often than not snowball into a much larger success story than you ever expected. SEO often pays for itself in many cases, and with our SEO strategies being primarily focused on ROI, you’re unlikely to find another SEO agency who will go the extra mile to achieve the results we’ve achieved for our clients, and the results we’ll achieve for your website if given the opportunity to do so.
There’s No Such Thing as an “Overnight Success” Story
It may seem as though some websites seemingly popped up out of nowhere, yet this could not be further from the truth. Most “overnight success” stories are often the result of years of hard work and daily strategies adjusted to fit the growth trajectory of set goals. So the next time you hear “So-and-so is an overnight success!”, just know they’ve been quietly working for many years to achieve the success they’ve finally been rewarded with. This same process applies to SEO. SEO does take some time to begin seeing truly tangible results (6-12 months depending on the business niche), yet with patience and dedicated efforts, you’ll likely see the initial investment put into SEO pay for itself tenfold.
Continue to Help Others & Others Will Help You
We believe in helping our clients achieve their goals with their website and beyond. At the end of the day, when you succeed, we succeed. We have a strong belief in truly helping others achieve success, and typically we’ve found help along the way with growing our business when we’ve been of service to our clients. Treat others as you wish to be treated, and usually things will work out quite favorably.
Regardless of Algorithms, the Universe Will Always Balance Everything Out
Yes, there are updates from Google from time to time and your site may fluctuate with each algorithmic update rolled out by Google’s team, yet if you do everything by the book on a regular basis, Google will recognize your efforts and reward you accordingly. This reflects life in a lot of ways, as those who are doing right by themselves and treating others with respect, dignity, and compassion are often some of the most fortunate people around. Do what’s right every day and you’ll find you’ll no longer have to worry about competition.
Choose DASH-SEO for Excellent SEO You Can Count On
If you’re in search of an excellent SEO agency to further your website’s success, you’ll want to reach out to us using the form below and we’ll be sure to respond to your message as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you soon and we’re eager to begin helping your website reach its full potential through our excellent SEO strategies!