SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is the process of making a website more visible on search engines when somebody searches a query. For example, if you are an electrician and somebody searches for “electrician in Austin” you want to rank high in search engines results and have an optimized meta title and description so the user finds your site enticing. Once the user clicks on your website, they should find unique, informative and engaging content that ultimately drives them to contact you or visit your place of business. That’s SEO in a nutshell!
Let me put it another way. Google has claimed that it handles at least 2,000,000,000 searches per year. That’s 2 trillion! If you break it down into shorter intervals.
- Searches per second: 63,000
- Searches per minute: 3.8 million
- Searches per hour: 228 million
- Searches per day: 5.5 billion
- Searches per month: 167 billion
Now, that’s just Google alone, who take up about 64% of searches online. Bing has about 21% of the share and Yahoo is at 12%. The 2 trillion from Google is only 64% of the search volume worldwide.
The Importance of Page One Results
Here’s a statistic you should know: 91.5% of searchers never go past page one of search engine results. That’s a very important stat to know, because if a query like “electrician in austin” gets searched 1,000 times a month, your site will only be seen 85 times. That’s 10,980 potential customers a year you won’t convert because you don’t rank on page one.
In the same vein, the higher your site ranks on page one, the higher the likelihood a user will click on your website. The top result on page one will get an average of 30% of the clicks. Second result gets about 13%. Third result 9.2%. So the top three results combined get about 50% of the clicks, while the bottom 6 results combine get about 12%. So the page one is competitive, and you want to be the top result!
SEO Delivers Extremely High ROI
Of all of the marketing available to businesses, SEO is one of the most affordable options. It targets the potential customers who are already looking for a business like yours and helps them find you! The leads from SEO are some of the highest quality leads because the searcher is already extremely interested in what you have to provide. What SEO does is help them find you! With the increase in online research to find a service, combined with top quality leads from more traffic from being on page one of search engine results, you are guaranteed more business!
Your Competition is Doing SEO
When you search a query that you want to rank for, chances are the top three results are doing SEO or have done SEO in the past. So if you lack the search engine optimization that they are doing, they will outrank you every single time. SEO uses proven techniques and digital marketing strategies. A smart SEO service like yours truly will also focus the efforts on many different queries, so that no matter how the user is searching, your site will rank high for it. Are you tired of seeing your competition above you in search engine results? We are too, and we can help!
SEO Provides Quality Leads
There’s a big difference between leads that are quality than leads that are cold. Most marketing focuses the outbound, where the idea is to reach out to them and get them acquainted with your brand and product. SEO on the other hand is all about the inbound marketing. It’s much easier to convert lead to a sale when the user has already reached out to Google or Bing to help them find what they are looking for. SEO simply connects the two together! On top of providing more traffic to your site, DASH-SEO will optimize your website for user and conversion friendliness. Essentially we’ll help guide them through your site and lead them to the spot they should make the conversion, whether it be a sale, phone call, or newsletter signup, on-page optimization helps convert interested traffic into a quality conversion.
SEO Makes Your Customers Happy
It feels good to make good decisions. Your customers want you to make good as well as researched decisions. If you have a website that easily conveys to the customer all of the information they need to know, they will feel good about contacting you. How many times have you visited a website and left without having any idea what the product or service was? That’s exactly what good SEO makes sure doesn’t happen with your website. A happy customer leads to an even higher quality lead.
So if your business has been ignoring SEO, it’s time to stop! To recap:
- SEO provides extremely high ROI
- Your competition is doing SEO
- SEO provides quality leads
- SEO makes your customers happy
SEO will boost your rankings to page one of search engine results so you can benefit from the 2 trillion searches every year. Next SEO will optimize meta titles and descriptions so they entice the user to click on your site. Once they click to your site, they will find the information they were looking for. SEO will lead them through the sales funnel so that ultimately the user contacts you, or signs up for your service. Grow your business with smart SEO, and contact us today!